Corporate Social Responsibilities


Eid al-Adha commemoration 1442 H

Contributing sacrificial animals and distributing them to te Al-Barokah Jami Mosque (Kp. Sempur, Peusar Village)

Islamic New Year Celebration 1443 H

Donation to orphanage and unfortunate people (Kp. Sempur, Peusar Village)

Commemoration of the Indonesia independence day

Provision of masks and disinfectants to 1 hamlet (6 neighbourhood) (Kp. Sempur, Peusar Village)

The Maulid Prophet Muhammad SAW

Provision of building materials for the construction of the Al-Barokah Jami Mosque. Providing 100 sacks of 50kg of Tiga Roda cement (Kp. Sempur, Peusar Village)

Celebration of Christmas Day

Sending parcels to the Cahaya Salman Alfarisi Peusar, such as towels, blankets and food


Ascension Day

Distributing staple food (sembako) packages to unfortunate people and orphans in Peusar Village, Kec. Panongan, Kab. Tangerang, of 500kg worth IDR 6,000,000.00. Community assistance and as a form of concern to people surrounding the factory

Eid al-Adha 1433 H Islamic New Year

Sacrificial animals, purchasing 4 goats (IDR 12,600,000.00) and donations for orphans (IDR 10,221,340.00). Community/ local residents gathering and improving the orphans wellfare

Donation of stationary and masks to As-Salam Islamic Education Foundation, Sempur subvillage Peusar village

Building materials for the construction of mosque gate (IDR 7,035,400.00). Commemorating the Maulid Prophet Muhammad SAW

Celebration of Christmas Day

Donating for 150 orphans Kejaroan Sempur village, Kp. Peusar Panongan, Tangerang (IDR 7,560.000). Christmas commemorating 2022


Celebration of Christmas Day

Providing rice and compensation to orphans, widows and unfortunate people in Kel. Cukasungka, Kec. Tigaraksa (IDR 5,881,000.00). Celebrating Christmas 2023 by helping the poors


Head Office:

Kawasan Industri Millenium
Jl. Milenium 15 Blok I-2 No. 5A
Panongan, Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia
Phone: (+62) 21 2915 9118
Fax: (+62) 21 2915 9120
Blackwood IG


Plaza Indonesia 3rd Floor, #118D, E
Jl. M.H. Thamrin No.Kav. 28-30
Kec. Menteng Jakarta Pusat,
DKI Jakarta, 10350
Phone: (+62) 21 2992 4372


Blackwood Permata Hijau
Jl. Permata Hijau No.13
Kel. Grogol Utara,
Kec. Kebayoran Lama,
Jakarta Selatan
Phone: (+62) 21 2212 4118


Pakuwon Square AK-1 No. 50-52
Jl. Mayjen Yono Soewoyo,
Surabaya, Indonesia
Phone: (+62) 31 9942 9371

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